Yes, I've been guilty of this. Won't do it again.
I'm middle class now but grew up working class so was poor in my early twenties. Get my shoes resoled for work or buy shampoo? - Who needs shampoo when you can use dish detergent? Except it makes your scalp dry and itchy and your hair looks like shit.
I do drink lattes though but only as a social occasions when I meet a friend. One a day? - no thank you.
I remember vividly being asked by my friend's mum (who had taken us out to lunch) what cheese I wanted with my crackers. I was completely confused. I though cheddar was the only cheese that existed.
I also uttered the words ' Jane Smith gets chicken drumsticks for her packed lunch', to my mum when I was about 11. The next thing I knew I had a smack round the head and my ears were ringing!
Oh and the last one... in a French class we were learning household words and the teacher said 'put up your hand if you have a xxx at home.' Phone, color television, washing machine, dryer, shower, garage ... 'Wendy don't you understand the question? Why aren't you putting up your hand?'
'Because we don't have any of those things at home, miss' (I went to a posh Grammar school and was one of the minority of working class kids)
Great article!